Monday, February 23, 2009


Is the Internet Xenophobic?

Xenophobia is the fear of something foreign. I do believe that the Internet is some what Xenophobic. The Internet is growing at a very rapid rate. though it it very hard for many to to maneuver, for many it's something that makes life allot more easier for us. We are able to function more efficiently in the work place . It is also very use full in our private lives many of us bank on line shop on line talk on line to name a few.
The Internet has evolve over the years to accommodate modern day users. But for this is no so for many older users, They use the Internet allot less than young people. because it can seem difficult at times to learn and keep up with technology..
Sometimes I am amaze at the way my 7 year access and play the games on the computer. How my thirteen year old and ten year old research information for a school project. etc. The Internet to children is like learning another subject. To an older adult it is somewhat foreign and they do at times, fear getting involve with modern technology and often become frustrated.
In the class readings we learn how the Internet began how it is and a projection of how it will be. this is just the beginning Pew/Internet Reports:Reports Internet Evolution "A wide-ranging survey of technology leaders, scholars, industry officials, and analysts finds that most Internet experts expect attacks on the network infrastructure in the coming decade as the Internet becomes more embedded in everyday and commercial life. They believe the dawning of the blog era will bring radical change to the news and publishing industry and they think the Internet will have the least impact on religious institutions." As with past inventions like the "Radio" I believe we will see more of the Internet before we see less.

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