Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Racism in Politics

How does Racism affect politics. Is the election of the first African American President the final Chapter in the Racism book. I believe that racism has always existed in politics, from the beginning of time. For one reason or another Racism has always had a profound effect on politics. It was the 44th president of the United States of America that attempted to break the barrier, Though many has tried to smear him and break him down his steadfastness kept him afloat. It was Obama's the campaign between Hilary Clinton and Obama that made me believe that yes we are actually looking beyond the color of ones skin and also ones gender and are paying more attention to what one has to offer. We had two power house fighting for one prize only one can win was it the better one no one knows only time will tell. either way history was made. This was just the beginning will this just disappear or will we continue to be more accepting of each other not what we are but what we have to offer. Will we see a female president in this life time.


  1. Chosing Obama as our president I feel was one of the best decisions that have been made. I feel like he will really change things and make the world we live in a better place. Just because he is African American doesn't mean he will be any less of a person. Racism will never go away. It will "haunt" all of us for the rest of our lives, some more than others.

  2. I myself feel that he can help to move this country in the right direction. There are many who feel the was we do and there are many who thinkit was a mistake. We just have to hope for the best. It is not the color of his skin that will run the country and many need to look beyond that, and basically hope and pray that he will do or try to do what he said he will.
