Sunday, February 15, 2009

racism in politics

Will we ever see the day when one will Look beyond Racism and judge each other based on who we are and what we can do to make our society, our country, our world a better place. One where we don't have think twice when we walk in a store. One Where we don't have to wonder is the person watching me to see if i need help? or is he watching me to see if i am taking something?. We are labeled we are judged for what we look like not for who we are hmmmmm...

Today we need to put aside our personal feelings and pray that this man Our president Borack Obama can do something to at least try to repair our country. Who is Borack Obama, does he have what it takes to bring out across this raging river? Has he accomplish enough, Where is he from what is Borack Hussein Obama's back ground. well here is just a page from his Biorgaphy. Borack Obama according to "2008 A&E Television Networks". Borack Hussein Obama was born on Aug. 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii. His father Barack Obama, Sr., was born of Luo ethnicity in Nyanza Province, Kenya. His father's upbringing included herding goats with his father who was a domestic servant of the British. One of the focal point of Borack Obama's campaign was that he is a Muslim But even his father who was born as a Muslim was at time an atheist. How can you then label Obama as a Muslim. His father left the family when he was only two years old. His mother Ann Dunham was of Caucasian descent born in Whichita Kansas. Borack was raised by his mother and then his grandparents after her death. He had no ties to the "Muslim world"How does one's name determine who they are. His father was not there to teach him anything about the Muslim "religion" Did he know anything of the Muslim religion". even if he was there he did not believe in any God. I don't know if it was a blessing or a curse that he wasn't in his life. Who knows maybe he would not be the person he is today. He was not even bought up in a religious home it was not until 1985 that he joined the Trinity United Church of Christ.
Growing up with a single parents some would have expected him to have been a juvenile delinquent. As study's "like Fathers, Marriage, and Welfare Reform, have shown that "*Among long-term prison inmates, 70 percent grew up without fathers, as did 60 percent of rapists and 75 percent of adolescents charged with murder.
* Fatherless children are three times more likely to fail school, require psychiatric treatment and commit suicide as adolescents.
*They are also up to 40 times more likely to experience child abuse compared with children growing up in two-parent families".Source: Wade Horn and Andrew Bush, "Fathers, Marriage, and Welfare Reform,"Hudson Institute Executive Briefing, 1997, Hudson Institute, Herman Kahn Center, 5395

Instead of becoming a statistic he graduated from Punahou Academy with honors in 1979 and that was just the beginning he continued until he "entered Harvard Law School in 1988. In February 1990, he was elected the first African–American editor of the Harvard Law Review. Obama graduated magna cum laude in 1991". Now he is the first African American President.
Through it all many have tried through different medium to prove that with all his accomplishment he is still just a Black Man,some will never be able to see beyond that. I remember during the campaign an elderly lady was furious when when she was ask if she would vote for Obama is Hilary was to lose her remarks was no way "How can you put a black man in the White house". To many this is a shock to other's this is this is what they experience more often than not. Syon Bhanot who opened Barack Obama’s Wikipedia entry online and found this “On June 10, 2005, Barack Obama committed suicide by way of shotgun to the face. KABOOM!! GOTDAMN, NIGER!!!!!!!!!!111" they have found many ways to spread there message even by misspelling words so they won't get in trouble by syber patrol. This is only one. Can you imagine how many is out there. As Synon said "It is easy to think that we live in a society without race, where hands the colors of the rainbow join to sing, dance, and play. But this is not the case. America still has a dirty little secret – an enduring culture of racism that looms large in every aspect of national policy, from mandatory minimums in drug cases to a foreign policy that devalues the life of people based on their melanin count. And the only way we are going to move past this is by breaking the silence and talking about race openly and honestly, something that is often suggested but rarely done. As Martin Luther King, who would have been 78 years old last week, said many years ago, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Do we really need to speak louder? I THINK WE NEED TO SPEAK UNTIL WE ARE HEARD.

We should be asking our selves is he capable of pulling us out of this slump. Not is he a Muslim or a Christian or Is he Black or White There are people who know that our country is in dire need of help yet they would rather live in fear of the days ahead than have a black man as there President.

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