Saturday, February 28, 2009

Do politicians use racism as a means to get voters.

Many politicians running for public office will use racism as a way to get voters. It is said that not only Reagan committed this act when he played a race card to get white votes. Presidential candidate George H W Bush also uses this tactic, He "played it blatantly when he ran for president in 1988. He used the crime of Willie Horton, an African-American convict--who raped a white woman while on furlough--to defeat his opponent, Michael Turkics, who was the governor of Massachusetts at the time of Horton's furlough. He held Michael Dukakis responsible for Willie Horton's crime and generated fear of the Black "criminal" to propel himself into the presidency."

"Bush, like other presidents before him, found Black faces to represent his racist agenda. He appointed Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court, despite strong allegations by EEOC employee Anita Hill of sexual harassment in the workplace. Clarence Thomas' views are conservative in the sense that he believes you have to forget about race once you arrive at high positions in the government. He believes that the Constitution should be interpreted exactly in the spirit in which the founders wrote it, regardless of the fact that many of the founders were slave owners.
Current President Bush might appoint Clarence Thomas Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The concerns over that stem not only from the conservative views espoused by Thomas, but also by his grudge against those who challenged his nomination in 1991."

As in more recent times we saw John Mcain using Joe the Plumber as his way of getting average Americans to vote for him. Joe the plumber who is Joe the plumber an average American who live in Ohio his real name is Joe Wurzelbacher . He claimed he wanted to buy to buy the plumbing business he now works for. He fears because of Obama's tax plan he wouldn't be able to. Mcain saw this as an opportunity to get People who was leaning toward Obama to lean to his side, "McCain then looked directly into the TV camera and said: "Joe, I want to tell you, I'll not only help you buy that business that you worked your whole life for and I'll keep your taxes low and I'll provide available and affordable health care for you and your employees. And I will not stand for a tax increase on small business income" Obama made several attempts to explain to Joe that he will only tax businesses making over $ 250.000 but for some reason he could not get that through to him. In comparison with McCain's tax plan it was plain to see Obamas sounded more appealing . And in this time with our economy the way it is we are going for the one that is more appealing. It got even worse when he mentioned spreading the wealth" "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody. But listen, I respect what you do and I respect your question, and even if I don't get your vote, I'm still gonna be working hard on your behalf because small businesses are what creates jobs in this country and I want to encourage it."But even Joe the plumber after a while saw through McCain. He did not know about politics it took him awhile for reality to set in You are being used just as he used Palin but that's another story Joe just wanted to be on TV. Joe the plumber now nauseated by McCain stated that he still believe Obama's plan will prevent him from buying his business, i doubt that is really whats going to prevent him from buying it.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Is the Internet Xenophobic?

Xenophobia is the fear of something foreign. I do believe that the Internet is some what Xenophobic. The Internet is growing at a very rapid rate. though it it very hard for many to to maneuver, for many it's something that makes life allot more easier for us. We are able to function more efficiently in the work place . It is also very use full in our private lives many of us bank on line shop on line talk on line to name a few.
The Internet has evolve over the years to accommodate modern day users. But for this is no so for many older users, They use the Internet allot less than young people. because it can seem difficult at times to learn and keep up with technology..
Sometimes I am amaze at the way my 7 year access and play the games on the computer. How my thirteen year old and ten year old research information for a school project. etc. The Internet to children is like learning another subject. To an older adult it is somewhat foreign and they do at times, fear getting involve with modern technology and often become frustrated.
In the class readings we learn how the Internet began how it is and a projection of how it will be. this is just the beginning Pew/Internet Reports:Reports Internet Evolution "A wide-ranging survey of technology leaders, scholars, industry officials, and analysts finds that most Internet experts expect attacks on the network infrastructure in the coming decade as the Internet becomes more embedded in everyday and commercial life. They believe the dawning of the blog era will bring radical change to the news and publishing industry and they think the Internet will have the least impact on religious institutions." As with past inventions like the "Radio" I believe we will see more of the Internet before we see less.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Racist Cartoonist

By Sewell Chan AND Jeremy W. Peters

The New Post head line read "Chimp-Stimulus Cartoon Raises Racism Concerns". Should we be concerned that this cartoon contains any form of racial implications or was this just an innocent drawing?

Many Politicians and other groups are angered by this cartoon. This Cartoon showed a chimp getting shot by the police. What made it more troubling was the comment made by two officers " They’ll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill.” agreeing with many critics
that this artist Sean Delonas was comparing President Obama to a Primate. as has been done for many years where blacks has been compared to monkeys.
Why did the New York Post allow this allow this image to be printed. even if it was not meant to be "racist" as per City Councilman Leroy G. Comrie jr " This was an unfortunate incident in which a human being was seriously injured- not an opportunity to sling dangerous rhetoric. It is my belief that The New York Post owes an immediate apology to this city for demonstrating such terrible judgment and insensitivity.” apparently he is talking about the shooting of a pet Chimp after a family friend was attacked. this is not something to poke fun at.

Here is the explanation given by Col Allan Editor in Chief at The Post "This was an unfortunate incident in which a human being was seriously injured- not an opportunity to sling dangerous rhetoric. It is my belief that The New York Post owes an immediate apology to this city for demonstrating such terrible judgment and insensitivity.” He should be reprimanded to let something so harmful and insulting be printed. Try again. Here another attempt at an explaination by Huffington Post Web site, reporter Sam Stein wrote: "At its most benign, the cartoon suggests that the stimulus bill was so bad, monkeys may as well have written it. Most provocatively, it compares the president to a rabid chimp." There Will be many more in the days ahead.
As it seems as if this is how thsi cartoonist makes his living by poking fun and dehumanizing people "It is not the first time that Delonas , the longtime cartoonist for the Post's Page Six, has raised eyebrows with a heavy-handed caricature.
An earlier Delonas cartoon made fun of Paul McCartney's ex-wife Heather Mills for having only one leg, and another compared gay people seeking marriage licenses to sheep lovers. In a cartoon from last month, an enormous Jessica Simpson dumps boyfriend Tony Romo for Ronald McDonald". Now I believe he has gone too far.

This will be a very hard one to explain. Even if it wasn't meant to be they should have known that there would be some questions raised. Many have agreed that this was very cruel and distasteful and some needs to be held accountable.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

From the days of the settlers until today racism has always been an issue plaguing a diverse community on a political level. Our country was built by immigrants from all walks of life Jews, Afro Americans, Hispanics including Mexico which is today the largest immigrant community, Irish, Italian, to name a few. Many seem to forget that had it not been for the immigrants there would be no United Stated of America. It is the sweat and the blood of Immigrants that paves the streets of this great nation.

Many were forced here many came off there own free will. Some knew what they were coming into had a plan to make a good life for themselves and there families. Though many did not come off there own free will they all wanted to be treated with respect and as human beings. To have a chance at the "American Dream"

There are groups who thought that they are the only ones who deserve a better life to be treated with respect and dignity. These groups felt that Immigrants will only put a strain on the economic and political future, therefore these groups such as the kkk were angered by the appointment of minority groups to political offices and the types of jobs they held.
This information was provided by the members who worked for the Local and State Government. They provided them with influence, means another ways to terrorized these groups. They are to occupy by any means necessary. hence the Mexican wars etc.

"Ex KKK Member Apologizes to John Lewis"
What happen after ex KKK member apologizes to congressman. He was among a group of
a group of college students who were attacked and beaten by an angry white Mob in a SC bus depot. He receives a phone call accusing him of betraying his oath. Many would want us to believe that the days of the kkk is a thing of the past but what we need to realize is that hatred and bigotry still exist among us. There are still many among these groups in existence secretly and publicly spewing venom. The use the Internet as a major ground for communication. "The Internet is the new frontier of the Ku Klux Klan, according to authorities, who traced the murder of Cynthia Lynch to an online long distance recruitment, followed by an in person initiation that ended in her murder". It was as early as 11/12/2008 that 43 years old Cynthia C. Lynch, of Tulsa was killed during what seemed to a kkk initiation. She apparently had a change of heart. as long as immigrants are seen as a threat to there way of life they will always be here. We all have one thing in common living the American dream. we need to do everything to preserve this dream. as long as we along these groups to poison our society we will not be able to live this dream.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

racism in politics

Will we ever see the day when one will Look beyond Racism and judge each other based on who we are and what we can do to make our society, our country, our world a better place. One where we don't have think twice when we walk in a store. One Where we don't have to wonder is the person watching me to see if i need help? or is he watching me to see if i am taking something?. We are labeled we are judged for what we look like not for who we are hmmmmm...

Today we need to put aside our personal feelings and pray that this man Our president Borack Obama can do something to at least try to repair our country. Who is Borack Obama, does he have what it takes to bring out across this raging river? Has he accomplish enough, Where is he from what is Borack Hussein Obama's back ground. well here is just a page from his Biorgaphy. Borack Obama according to "2008 A&E Television Networks". Borack Hussein Obama was born on Aug. 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii. His father Barack Obama, Sr., was born of Luo ethnicity in Nyanza Province, Kenya. His father's upbringing included herding goats with his father who was a domestic servant of the British. One of the focal point of Borack Obama's campaign was that he is a Muslim But even his father who was born as a Muslim was at time an atheist. How can you then label Obama as a Muslim. His father left the family when he was only two years old. His mother Ann Dunham was of Caucasian descent born in Whichita Kansas. Borack was raised by his mother and then his grandparents after her death. He had no ties to the "Muslim world"How does one's name determine who they are. His father was not there to teach him anything about the Muslim "religion" Did he know anything of the Muslim religion". even if he was there he did not believe in any God. I don't know if it was a blessing or a curse that he wasn't in his life. Who knows maybe he would not be the person he is today. He was not even bought up in a religious home it was not until 1985 that he joined the Trinity United Church of Christ.
Growing up with a single parents some would have expected him to have been a juvenile delinquent. As study's "like Fathers, Marriage, and Welfare Reform, have shown that "*Among long-term prison inmates, 70 percent grew up without fathers, as did 60 percent of rapists and 75 percent of adolescents charged with murder.
* Fatherless children are three times more likely to fail school, require psychiatric treatment and commit suicide as adolescents.
*They are also up to 40 times more likely to experience child abuse compared with children growing up in two-parent families".Source: Wade Horn and Andrew Bush, "Fathers, Marriage, and Welfare Reform,"Hudson Institute Executive Briefing, 1997, Hudson Institute, Herman Kahn Center, 5395

Instead of becoming a statistic he graduated from Punahou Academy with honors in 1979 and that was just the beginning he continued until he "entered Harvard Law School in 1988. In February 1990, he was elected the first African–American editor of the Harvard Law Review. Obama graduated magna cum laude in 1991". Now he is the first African American President.
Through it all many have tried through different medium to prove that with all his accomplishment he is still just a Black Man,some will never be able to see beyond that. I remember during the campaign an elderly lady was furious when when she was ask if she would vote for Obama is Hilary was to lose her remarks was no way "How can you put a black man in the White house". To many this is a shock to other's this is this is what they experience more often than not. Syon Bhanot who opened Barack Obama’s Wikipedia entry online and found this “On June 10, 2005, Barack Obama committed suicide by way of shotgun to the face. KABOOM!! GOTDAMN, NIGER!!!!!!!!!!111" they have found many ways to spread there message even by misspelling words so they won't get in trouble by syber patrol. This is only one. Can you imagine how many is out there. As Synon said "It is easy to think that we live in a society without race, where hands the colors of the rainbow join to sing, dance, and play. But this is not the case. America still has a dirty little secret – an enduring culture of racism that looms large in every aspect of national policy, from mandatory minimums in drug cases to a foreign policy that devalues the life of people based on their melanin count. And the only way we are going to move past this is by breaking the silence and talking about race openly and honestly, something that is often suggested but rarely done. As Martin Luther King, who would have been 78 years old last week, said many years ago, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Do we really need to speak louder? I THINK WE NEED TO SPEAK UNTIL WE ARE HEARD.

We should be asking our selves is he capable of pulling us out of this slump. Not is he a Muslim or a Christian or Is he Black or White There are people who know that our country is in dire need of help yet they would rather live in fear of the days ahead than have a black man as there President.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Racism in Politics

How does Racism affect politics. Is the election of the first African American President the final Chapter in the Racism book. I believe that racism has always existed in politics, from the beginning of time. For one reason or another Racism has always had a profound effect on politics. It was the 44th president of the United States of America that attempted to break the barrier, Though many has tried to smear him and break him down his steadfastness kept him afloat. It was Obama's the campaign between Hilary Clinton and Obama that made me believe that yes we are actually looking beyond the color of ones skin and also ones gender and are paying more attention to what one has to offer. We had two power house fighting for one prize only one can win was it the better one no one knows only time will tell. either way history was made. This was just the beginning will this just disappear or will we continue to be more accepting of each other not what we are but what we have to offer. Will we see a female president in this life time.

Monday, February 2, 2009


I read the NY times every day.