Saturday, March 7, 2009

Will the Republicans and the Democrats ever get along

(AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)
In an attempt to bring the both parties together The President Obama hosts congressional leaders for dinner.

In an article written by PHILIP ELLIOTT of the Associated Press The president invited both parties to dinner. in an attempt to show the Republicans that they share many the same interest. There was a total of 200 attendees including top ranking Republicans and there spouses. president and vice president and there wives. This wasn't just any dinner this was an attempt to sell the "$410 billion spending bill and future debate over Obama's $3.6 trillion budget proposal for the next year" Obama knows that it was not going to be easy to convince the republicans especially since only three Republicans voted for his Stimulus plan. In welcoming his guess Obama noted that "We also know that we're not always going to agree on everything, but given how hard so many of you are working on both sides of the aisle — day in, day out — we thought it was important for us to step back for a moment, remind ourselves that we have things in common — family, friends, laughter — and hopefully we'll have a chance to appreciate each other a little bit, take a time-out before we dive back into the game."
This is not the first time The Obamas had invited the Republicans the The White House for "standing Wednesday evening events" but not in this large number. there has been private cocktail sessions and other small meets and greets which is an attempt to show that they may not agree on everything but they should at least agree on the things that matter most to the country on a hold.

Article in the Huffington Post by Anya Strzemien February 19, 2009 01:06 PM
There was also the "The First Formal Dinner " on February 23 ,2009 Which was attended by the Governor's and there wives also other White House aids. "The Oscars weren't the only major black-tie event to take place on Sunday night. Across the country, the President and First Lady hosted their first formal dinner in Washington, inviting the nation's governors, in town for the National Governors Association meeting, and their spouses to the White House. The menu, according to AP, was designed to reflect the season and represent the American spirit. It included red dragon carrots from Ohio, beef from Nebraska, watermelon radishes grown in the Washington area, and sea scallops from Massachusetts. The dessert featured huckleberries from Idaho".
With everyone in one place the President hope to get the support he needs to move forward with his plans to revive the Economy and at lest make a step in to pulling the parties together. Even though there are people who don't believe that is of any importance at least not in these times. New York Times Saturday, March 7, 2009 A new NYT/CBS News poll (pdf) found that most surveyed said Mr. Obama should pursue the priorities he campaigned on rather than seek middle ground with Republicans. Given the decidedly partisan outcome of the stimulus vote, should President Obama give up on bipartisanship in carrying out his broader agenda?" Not everyone believe in this there are those of us who would rather the government come to a compromise and do what is best for than having this childish bickering in The White House they need to leave that tho the high school kids. There are others who feel that it makes it more interesting to have both sides disagreeing and hammering out there disagreements at one point or another they have to agree on something.


  1. I agree with your blog posts and you make some good points. In my opinion, it is unbelievable that the Republicans want to be the party of no and obstruct Obama at any costs, including ours (the people). I realize the Democratic party is not without blame, and I wish Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the Democrats would stop giving in to the Republicans and their demands. I still have faith in President Obama and think he can turn this economy around. I also do not understand why the Republicans are crying about being left out of certain policy making decisions, Obama invited them for drinks, invited more Republicans than Democrats to his Superbowl Party...what more do they want? This is certainly more bipartisanship than Bush ever showed in his entire horrible eight years.

  2. Im not sure exactly what they want. They sit around and cry like babies when they are not included. and they are some dont show up like Sarah Palin at the Govenor's dinner. Come on people this is not about you or Obama this is about the greatest country in the world that is now In the worse position that its ever been in years and plunging. They need to put aside all this squabbling and get up and do what they need to do the keep us a float, They want the President to fail so bad that they dont realize that if he fails we all fail. or don't they not care.
