Louisiana's Bobby Jindal, Minnesota's Tim Pawlenty and South Carolina's Mark Sanford all deny that they're actively planning a run in 2012. But each seemed to leave the door to the White House at least slightly ajar. These are President Obama's harshest critics Who many feel is preparing for 2012. As the Republican party struggles to find its voice in the age of Obama, several GOP governors seem to be using the stimulus as an early audition for the 2012 presidential race.
"They're trying to keep their options open for running for president in 2012 and they understand that this vote could define them," Stuart Rothenberg, editor of The Rothenberg Political Report, told ABC News.
The stimulus could also define President Obama, who has said if it doesn't work to turn the economy around, "then I'll be a one-term president." This is why the above governor's are hoping he fail if fail that opens the door for them in 2012 giving them a better chance at the white house.
"They're trying to keep their options open for running for president in 2012 and they understand that this vote could define them," Stuart Rothenberg, editor of The Rothenberg Political Report, told ABC News.
The stimulus could also define President Obama, who has said if it doesn't work to turn the economy around, "then I'll be a one-term president." This is why the above governor's are hoping he fail if fail that opens the door for them in 2012 giving them a better chance at the white house.
He is there biggest challenge and they know that. There is no way he can fix this disaster he was left with in one term if fails in the beginning he may not have a chance to redeem himself.
Then there are the Republicans who are betting the stimulus will fail. Jindal and Sanford have said they will reject added unemployment benefits that come with federal strings. Is this the right thing to do at this point all suggestion counts should they all be taken into consideration.I'll take it," California Republian Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger told ABC's George Stephanopoulos on "This Week." "I'll take his money too."
Some potential 2012 GOP candidates are hedging their bets. Pawlenty calls the stimulus extravagantly wasteful. But he says he'll take the money because it will bring jobs to Minnesota. Is it wasteful if its helpful? If it will help in any way to promote employment which will lead to a better economy then what is the problem.
Some potential 2012 GOP candidates are hedging their bets. Pawlenty calls the stimulus extravagantly wasteful. But he says he'll take the money because it will bring jobs to Minnesota. Is it wasteful if its helpful? If it will help in any way to promote employment which will lead to a better economy then what is the problem.
Many of Obama's critics hope he was lying when he made his promised in his campaign it turned out his only sin is keeping his promises he is doing what he said he was going to do maybe not as fast as people are expecting but at least he is doing some thing. Why are people so hard on him give him a chance look at what he was given to work with. Other than the perpetually aggrieved paranoid cranks on the far right -- FOX News, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, James Dobson etc., -- most Americans (no matter who they voted for) are just glad that someone brimming with confidence, intelligence and good will is in charge of our rescue, at last! Watching President Obama's recent press conferences, one could hear a collective sigh of relief from sea to shining sea. Nevertheless, a few critics from the left are now demanding progressive purity from President Obama that is not in keeping with his clearly stated campaign promise to bring all Americans together, and to put governance and competence ahead of ideology. In that sense they are working against the aims of his presidency." This has been so far the worse economic down fall i can remember there was never a tome when i was so fearful of the future yes we have made History we have elected the first African American President. Why did they believe that they elected a miracle worker. How can he fix this mess in such a short time if prevent is better than having to cure why wasn't all this prevented everyone sat around and let the prior president dug our country in a ditch then they expect Obama to dig us out in one day. As President-elect Obama prepares to take office, Democratic partisans are battling over a crucial issue: is the United States a "center-right" or "center-left" nation? If the country is in fact tilted to the right, then Obama risks reviving Republican prospects should his legislative initiatives be perceived as too liberal. Conversely, if the U.S is a center-left nation, the adoption of major public works programs, comprehensive health care, and aggressive tax and spending programs to reduce income- and wealth-inequality may help forge a durable majority for Obama and the Democratic Party. There should not be any separation when it comes to whats best for the country. "Together we stand divided we will fall" This can be done he cannot do it on his own both Reps. and Dems. have to put aside there childish squabbles and figure out whats best for the country and work from there whether its a black president, white, or Hispanics or any other nationality the country's best interest is priority.
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